I am an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Appropriate Technology (IAT) of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). I received my Master Degree in Environmental Engineering and Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering from BUET. I am pursuing my Doctor of Philosophy degree in Chemical Engineering with specialisation in Biotechnology at BUET. Prior joining to academia, I worked for a couple of years in administration. Though I am a university teacher by profession, I enjoy writing greatly. For me, writing is a great passion. I worked as a correspondent and contributing writer at different National English Daily Newspapers and Magazines during my undergraduate study. I contribute regularly to Bangladeshi mainstream Newspapers and literary and scientific Magazines. I have authored a book on Liberation War of Bangladesh titled, 'Alokh Juddha'. I earnestly solicit your blessings for my forthcoming book ‘Affaire de Coeur’. As an academician, my primary aim is to address different socioeconomic issues through my research and writing. Therefore, the overarching objective of my research is to provide the environment that best addresses the needs of my motherland. My research interests broadly encompass issues related to Management of Technology, Biotechnology, Food and Environmental Engineering and Management. My work has appeared in international peer-reviewed scientific journals such as Applied Water Science, Springer, Elsevier, Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, Journal of Nature Science and Sustainable Technology and Industrial Engineering and Management. Currently, I am working as a Reviewer of the Journal titled 'Advances in Economics and Business, USA' and Member of Intellectual Property Steering Committee of BUET. I was the principal proponent of UGC-HEQEP Project titled, ‘Establishment of Technology Transfer Office in BUET’. Presently, I am working with the management team of ESTex-BUET. The two-way knowledge transfer that results from engagement activities is a powerful way of shaping one’s own knowledge. I am thus keen to engage myself with international organizations, government agencies and industries with a view to sharing our mutual experiences. I am also happy to be a sparring partner, especially for students who are graduating, who are making life choices, and who are puzzling with their career paths. This website contains my academic and professional as well as extracurricular information. It also contains information for students, information regarding the courses I take as a teacher. For any query, suggestion or collaboration, please contact: ahmadfarid@iat.buet.ac.bd. The following are a few glimpses of my activities.
৯ (নয়) জন রিভিয়্যার (Reviewer) এর জেরা শেষে অবশেষে ইনস্টিটিউট অব এপ্রোপ্রিয়েট টেকনোলজী (আইএটি) –বুয়েটের গবেষণার ফলাফল–লব্ধ নিবন্ধ স্থান করে নিয়েছে বৈশ্বিক প্রকাশনা সংস্থা এলসিভিয়ার (Elsevier) এর নামীদামি জার্নাল – জার্নাল অব ক্লিনার প্রডাকশন (Journal of Cleaner Production) এর ৩৪০ নম্বর ভলিউমে। জার্নালটির অ্যাবস্ট্রাক্ট ও সাইটেশন ডেটাবেইস (Scopus Index) থেকে বোঝা যায় [h-index 200, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 1.937 (Q1), Impact Factor 9.297, Cite Score 13.1, Overall ranking 1404, Rank 18 in Environmental Sciences) এটি কতটা প্রভাবশালী ও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পিয়ার-রিভিউড জার্নাল। Read More
We both lived in bubbles
That haven’tcoalesced
into a portrait of love!
Little bubbles of memories
reappear in my moments of solitude!
Bubbles burst into tears,float into nonexistence!
Often feeling of nonexistence translates to depression!
I feel frightened
When a happy moment arises,
When you were in my dream;a breath…
?a bubble?. lest your remnants shrink!
I try to make pockets of love out of them
When one bubble meets with another
I try to make a union! Bubble meets bubble!!
I remind myself
of the good we had!
In fact, it was the happiest period of our life
even if, I wasn’t sure of your happiness with me!
I hope! you know! I always cherish you,
The way your laugh gets so mischievous,
The way your eyes twinkle when you smile!
I always cherish you,
The way your voice gets soft
when you listen to me; the way you get confident!
How can you?
When you were the catalyst to who I am
How can you? When you’re the only person
familiar with nooks and crannies of my mind!
Me, the mud!
the bottom of a despond pond,
Me, the land of absolute solitude!
There, appears a seed!
A dream, A warrior, A survivor!
It keeps never turning over
daydream in its merry mind!
Makes its thoroughfare
through the obscure water,
Finally, finds rays, the Sunseeker!
Symbolizes potential and resilience!
Me make the water muddier,
More attractive it emerges from water!
Ergo, the special chemistry, there depicts
Divine, Perfection and Enlightenment!!
Attributed with innocence,
Grace, purity, beauty, fertility and serenity!
Being born in muddy waters; Unspoiled!
Untouched! attains spirit staying unfastened!
Firmly rooting in mire
Submerges every night to emerge alone
in the sunlight! To remain reborn again!
Me allows to break the surface of water!
It repels water! with
No visible signs of filth; for its artful
Survival! Albeit owes to root, lives in earth!
Looks Beautiful! As leaving the murky mud!
Good overcomes
Gloom and doom! Light beats out darkness!
Me, the muddy home; thus, cultivates visions!
Let it bloom in the dirt; flourish, build the base!