Major Awards, Scholarships, and Achievements:
- Received Texas A&M University–Commerce Graduate Scholarship and Graduate Housing Scholarship, offered by Texas A&M University – Commerce, USA
- Received Offer of the position of Research Assistant in Chemical Engineering department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), KSA
- Received letter of appreciation from Honorable Prime Minister of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina for securing position in merit list of board exam
- Awarded for 2nd place in foundation training course conducted by Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited-A Bangladesh European Joint Venture Bank
- University merit scholarship for all under graduate terms
- Secured place/position in the combined merit list of Science Group in board examination of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Comilla-3500, Bangladesh
- Education Board scholarship for H.S.C
- Education Board scholarship for S.S.C
- Junior Scholarship